Oct 22, 2010


I have a confession to make.... I HOARD cookbooks.  I have, literally HUNDREDS of cookbooks, from vintage to recent. Most are displayed on shelves in my kitchen and family room, but some of the older, bedraggled ones are banished to a drawer. I LOVE them.  I read them just like normal people read novels.  I drool, and dream, and learn from them. 

Most of my cooking at home involves an amalgamation of recipes gleaned from researching through several cookbooks and / or my huge, ugly notebook filled with scraps and clippings and print-outs from the internet.  And, whenever I think I have too many recipes, I see ANOTHER cookbook or guide I can't live without, like these lovelies I found on Etsy.

from OldVintageCookbooks
from moxiethrift
from moonovermarilyn

What's on your kitchen bookshelf??


Bit of Butter said...

I also have a cookbook problem, specifically a vintage cookbook problem. But I guess my blog says it all, really. ;-)

A Thrifty Mrs said...

My name is Thrifty and I'm a cookbook addict.

nora - treasurehuntvintage said...

Enjoyed your blog post, bitofbutter!

"Hi Thrifty. The first step is admitting you have a problem" LOL!

(who says hoarding cookbooks is a problem?) :~)

Alison said...

@nora: By problem I meant...okay, problem! ;-) But it's a fun (and tasty) problem to have!