
Mar 3, 2012

Fresh Picks: By Hand, With Heart

Artisans who give new life to vintage and antique goods do so not only with creative talent, but also with a special love and respect for the past these items represent. These fab finds are perfect examples! Find more Handmade with vintage components HERE

by ReBopShop

Vintage Sandwich Glass Stain...

PHILCO Model 42-PT95 RADIO. ...

Antique Light Vintage Lighti...

Fabric Bouquet vintage mater...

Gothic Diamond Studded Fleur...

Handmade Vintage Jewel Earri...

Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.


  1. Rebop! Great collection! And thanks for adding my Philco radio!

    Terry at RadioAge

  2. fantastic! Thank you for choosing a vintage fabric bouquet from my shop and sharing your artistic eye ~ beautifully done!

  3. Amazing resurrections. Thanks for sharing them, Sandra!
