
Jan 21, 2012

Fresh Picks: Seeing Red

Late January brings a double dose of red, with the garnet as its birthstone and Valentine’s Day gift hunting in full swing! Enjoy these lovely vintage tributes to the color of love.

by ReBopShop

Vintage Mexican sterling and...

Vintage 1950s Warners Red Ch...

Still Life Hyacinth Vintage ...

Cast Iron Red Vintage Automo...

Vintage earrings Bold Rhines...

1950's Vintage Black Hat...

Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.


  1. I LOVE RED!

    ...the color of warmth, rosy cheeks, and cardinals in the snow...on the grayest day it brightens its surroundings...thanks so much for the invitation to help brighten the page! Kathryn

  2. Great stuff! I love the color red! It is what I'm adding more of to my kitchen because it's such a happy color!

  3. This is a lovely combo! Thank you for including my item. I'm really digging red myself lately. It's so bold!
